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Fruit tree paintings

This is a really easy activity for toddlers and a great first introduction into how their fruit grows.

Age 1+

What you need

Brown pen

Green finger paints

Red, purple, orange or yellow finger paint


tubs or plates for paint

kitchen towel

What to do

Pour green paint into a plastic tub, then pour another colour that fruit would be (red apples and cherries, yellow for lemons etc).

Draw a tree trunk with brown pen on a piece of paper.

Encourage or help child to place their hand in the green paint then place their hands on the paper to make the green leaves of the tree. Repeat this until it looks like a tree. Wipe the hands with kitchen towel.

Help them to dip their finger in the red or other colour paint to put the fruit on the tree.

Talking points As you're doing the painting explain what they're doing and what fruits grow on trees like this. Ask them if they've ever seen a fruit tree and what kinds of fruit they like. If they like oranges and mangoes, explain that they grow in countries with hotter climates. If they like raspberries and strawberries experiment with painting a bush instead.

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